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How Was it Possible? A Holocaust Curriculum For and By Teachers™

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How Was it Possible? A Holocaust Curriculum For and By Teachers™

The Jewish Foundation for the Righteous (JFR) is pleased to announce
the launch of its new online program,
How Was it Possible? A Holocaust Curriculum For and By Teachers™.


How Was it Possible? A Holocaust Curriculum For and By Teachers™

This new online course provides middle and high school teachers and their students with a basic Holocaust unit of study. The program, which is based on the book How Was it Possible? A Holocaust Reader edited and introduced by Professor Emeritus Peter Hayes of Northwestern University, includes 16 lessons, an introductory video, and a closing CODA. Each lesson has a scholar-vetted and professionally prepared video. This program is being offered at no cost to teachers and their students and is available on The Jewish Foundation for the Righteous (JFR) website through an online learning management tool.

The Jewish Foundation for the Righteous is seeking to create an online community of learners. How Was it Possible? A Holocaust Curriculum For and By Teachers™  can be used by educators for their own professional development as well as for educators to use with their students. The curriculum is also open to members of the community interested in learning more about the Holocaust.

The 16 lessons are based on the nine chapters of How Was it Possible? A Holocaust Reader and were developed around the themes within each chapter.

Introduction to the Curriculum

Unit 1             The Context
Lesson 1.1     Anti-Judaism and Antisemitism
Lesson 1.2     Inter-War Period

Unit 2             Nazism In Power
Lesson 2.1     Hitler’s Rise to Power
Lesson 2.2     “The Jewish Question”
Lesson 2.3     Complicity of the Elites

Unit 3             Impediments to Escape
Lesson 3.1     Refugee Policy

Unit 4             The New Order in Europe
Lesson 4.1     The New Order in Europe

Unit 5             Jews in the Nazi Grip
Lesson 5.1     Ghettos in the East
Lesson 5.2     Western Europe: Jews in the Nazi Grip
Lesson 5.3     Resistance

Unit 6             The German Killers and Their Methods
Lesson 6.1     The Nazi Camp System
Lesson 6.2     Life in Camps
Lesson 6.3     The Einsatzgruppen

Unit 7             Collaboration and its Limits
Lesson 7.1     Collaboration During the Holocaust

Unit 8             Rescuing Jews – Means and Obstacles
Lesson 8.1     Rescue During the Holocaust

Unit 9             Aftermath
Lesson 9.1     Liberation and Afterwards


How Was it Possible? A Holocaust Curriculum For and By Teachers™ is accompanied by an extensive Teacher’s Guide. The Teacher’s Guide contents include:

Section 1
About The Jewish Foundation for the Righteous
What Was the Holocaust?
Asynchronous Use
Length of Holocaust Study
Semester Course
Unit of Study (4-9 weeks)
“I only have 1-5 Class Periods to Teach the Holocaust”
Lesson Resources
State Standards
Image Sources
Goldsmith Student Scholars of the Holocaust Signature Badge
Goldsmith Fellowship Program
About the Goldsmith Family

Section 2 –  Lesson Resources
There are 16 lessons. For each lesson the following is provided: Overview, including Background, Goal, Essential Questions, Learning Goals, Success Criteria, Topics for Further Discussion, and Recommended Reading; Lesson Note-taking Guide; Lesson Script; Lesson Quiz; and Lesson Image Sources. You will also find the scripts for the introduction and CODA in this section.

Section 3

Video Note-taking Guides and Answer Keys
Quizzes and Answer Keys
Lesson Scripts
Pre-Assessment and Answer Key
Glossary of People
Glossary of Places
Glossary of Terms
Glossary of Rescuers
National and State Standards
Pronunciation Guide
Image Source Information
Teacher Contributors

The JFR is pleased to provide links to the two lessons in Unit 1 and the three lessons in Unit 2. To access the program in its entirety, teachers will need to register and create a password. Students will need to register and create their own unique passwords as well.

Unit 1 / Lesson 1.1, Unit 1 / Lesson 1.2, Unit 2 / Lesson 2.1, Unit 2 / Lesson 2.2, and Unit 2 / Lesson 2.3 are available for preview by clicking the thumbnails below.

To find out more information about this program and to register, please send an email by clicking here.

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