Welcome to the JFR Bookstore. We have created it in association with Amazon.com in order to offer you easy access to some of the most important books about rescue and the Holocaust in general. By ordering books through our bookstore you are helping to support the work of The Jewish Foundation for the Righteous.
Rittner, Carol; Roth, John
ISBN: 155778504x
Neither before, during, nor after the Holocaust have women been silent about the experiences that left them forever marked by the "Final Solution." Here are 28 selections brought together to intensify an awareness of the depths of the Holocaust's tragedy.
Rosenfeld, Alvin
ISBN: 0253356431
Explores how the proliferation of materials (books, films, memorials, commemorations, etc.) related to the Holocaust has resulted in a diminution of its meaning. Warns about the possible consequences of "the end of the Holocaust" in public consciousness.
Roskies, David G.; Diamant, Naomi
ISBN: 1611683572
Roskies and Diamant surveyed Holocaust literature discussing its evolution through all genres and languages. The result is a comprehensive list of Holocaust literature demonstrating the range of writings after the war.
Schonhaus, Cioma
ISBN: 0786720581
In this memoir, Schonhaus relives his life on the run in wartime Berlin. He forged life-saving passes and papers for those fleeing Nazi oppression. Although a Jew himself, Schonhaus would enjoy Berlin when he was not forging papers.
Schulweis, Rabbi Harold
ISBN: 1580233759
Rabbi Schulweis challenges readers to use their conscience to examine their obedience and disobedience in relation to moral matters.
Semprun, Jorge
ISBN: 158567639X
An autobiographical narrative of Semprun's experience being transported in a cattle car to Buchenwald.
Snyder, Timothy
ISBN: 0465002399
Examines the mass killings perpetrated by the Nazi and Stalinist regimes in the 1930s and 1940s.
Stangneth, Bettina
ISBN: 0307959678
Stangneth showes that Adolf Eichmann was “clearly someone who was out to ‘create’ a verdict rather than reach one.”
Steinacher, Gerald
ISBN: 0199576866
Examines how Nazi war criminals escaped from justice at the end of World War II. Specifically, it examines the role played by the Red Cross, the Vatican, and the Secret Services of the major powers in these escapes.
Steinweis, Alan
ISBN: 0674036239
In this book Steinweis discusses the causes and events of Kristallnacht.
Tec, Nechama
ISBN: 0195075951
The author, a Holocaust survivor, tells the history of the largest armed rescue operation of Jews by Jews during the Holocaust. She describes a forest community in western Belorussia of 1,200 Jews, who were led by peasant-turned-partisan Tuvia Bielski.
Tec, Nechama
ISBN: 0195035003
This story recounts the survival of Tec's family during the Holocaust.
ISBN: 0300093551
Tec compares the wartime experiences of women and men. Distinct coping strategies and the fate of each sex are discussed. Various Holocaust settings are analyzed: German occupation, ghettos, concentration and death camps, underground movements, the illegal Christian world and the forests.
ISBN: 0199735417
An in-depth look at both Jewish and non Jewish resistance during WWII.
ISBN: 0195051947
Tec attempts to describe those men and women who risked their lives to save Jews during the Holocaust. The author examines sociological patterns, class relations, religious similarities as well as other factors.
ISBN: 0823244490
Witnessing Witnessing explores how we receive and use Holocaust testimony.