When you give to The Jewish Foundation for the Righteous, you make a difference in the daily lives of the aged and needy rescuers we support. Your gift will enable the JFR to strengthen its national Holocaust teacher education program, enabling the JFR to preserve the legacy of the Righteous and educate teachers and students about the history of the Holocaust and the history of antisemitism, as well as the significance of the Righteous as moral and ethical exemplars.
The Foundation’s tax identification number is 13-3807016.
View our State Solicitation Disclosures
Send your contact information along with a check payable to
The Jewish Foundation for the Righteous to:
The Jewish Foundation for the Righteous
80 Main Street, Suite 380
West Orange, NJ 07052
Gift in Honor
The in honor gift is for commemorating a special occasion, Bar Mitzvah or Bat Mitzvah, a wedding, the birth of a child, an anniversary, and birthdays.
Gift in Memory
The in memory gift allows you to express your sympathy and memorialize an individual who is deceased.
The JFR offers a variety of eCards for Rosh Hashanah, Hanukkah, and Purim, as well as for gifts made in honor or in memory.
You may want to consider making a bequest to The Jewish Foundation for the Righteous. A bequest is a way to make a gift to the JFR at the time of your death.
IRA Distribution
Please click below for more information about making an IRA Distribution to the JFR.
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