[caption id="attachment_237" align="alignleft" width="150"]
2010 Alfred Lerner Fellows[/caption]What a fantastic summer it has been! We began it with our annual Summer Institute for Teachers, where we welcomed 37 new Alfred Lerner Fellows into The JFR family. After five days of hearing world-class scholars and participating in intensive learning our Lerner Fellows left Columbia with new perspectives on how to teach the Holocaust to their students.
Days later we left for Europe for our European Study Program in Germany and Poland with 16 participants. We had a sobering and insightful two weeks traveling to Munich, Nuremberg, Weimar, Berlin then Warsaw, Krakow and Oswiecim. Through the program itinerary and Professor Robert Jan van Pelt's invaluable synthesis and knowledge, our group was able to unfold history and gain a deeper understanding of the rise of Nazism and the tragedy of the Holocaust. Although we had hoped to blog about these unforgettable two weeks while in Europe, we were not able to because of difficulties with internet access. Over the next several days, however, we intend to post about some of the highlights from this very meaningful journey. Please check back.[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="150"]
European Study participants at Brandenburg Gate in Berlin[/caption]