Today began the 2011 Summer Institute for teachers. We are very lucky to have another great group of teachers, who bring a variety of backgrounds and teaching styles to our seminar.
Tomorrow I leave for Skokie, IL where I am presenting at the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center’s Summer Institute on the Holocaust, their annual teacher education program.
Our annual Summer Institute for Teachers at Columbia University is just a few weeks away, and we are busy preparing for it at the JFR office! This year we will be welcoming 35 new Lerner Fellows from our Centers of Excellence, The Intergovernmental Task Force, The State Department, the Auschwitz Memorial Museum and the United Nations Outreach Programme.
As the 2010-2011 school year draws to a close, the JFR would like to thank its two high school interns, Shaquira and Camille, both juniors at The High School of Fashion Industries, for all their hard work this past year!