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News from the 19th Floor – Alfred Lerner Fellows – December 2017

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News from the 19th Floor

Hanukkah eCard

JFR Hanukkah eCard

For a donation of $18.00 or more, you can send the JFR Hanukkah eCard to up 10 email recipients. A JFR eCard is a great way to send Hanukkah wishes to friends and family while at the same time supporting the work of the JFR. Click here to send Hanukkah eCards.


Tawny Anderson (Lerner Fellow 2016) was awarded the Florida Council for the Social Studies High School Teacher of the Year for 2017. She was also awarded the prestigious Theron Trimble award for Outstanding Teaching in a High School Social Studies classroom.  Tawny was nominated by inSight Through Education, one the JFR’s Holocaust Centers of Excellence, to attend the Summer Institute for Teachers at Columbia University.  Twany teaches at Wellington Community High School, Wellington, FL.

Roman Kent, JFR Board President, and Tawny Anderson (Lerner Fellow 2016)
2017 Advanced Seminar Participants

Advanced Seminar

We are all set for our Advanced Seminar. The program is capped at 24 participants and we have a waiting list. The readings are excellent and the scholars – the best!


We will be announcing our study program to Germany and the Netherlands by January. Buchenwald will be one of the places we visit. Since we are traveling in Western Europe, the Study Program will be a little more expensive than our previous programs. Please let me know if you are interested in joining us this summer – [email protected]. We are exploring several different ways of providing the plane ticket. We can purchase a group ticket which means that everyone leaves from Newark International Airport at the same time and returns with the group or we provide the cost of the land only and everyone purchases their own plane ticket. I would like to hear back from folks as to your preference.

A view of the Buchenwald concentration camp after the liberation of the camp. Buchenwald, Germany, after April 11, 1945. (Photo courtesy of USHMM)
Prison barrack Buchenwald.
Concentration Camp Uniform - Jacket


I will be in London, England later this month to meet with Dr. Christine Schmidt, Deputy Director and Head of Research, The Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust & Genocide, and Paul Salmons, Programme Director, UCL Centre for Holocaust Education, University College London, to review the objects for the Artifact Box and to finalize the Teacher’s Guide. If you would like to help review the Teacher’s Guide, please let me know. I may not be able to involve everyone, but I would like to know who is interested in helping. When responding, please indicate the grade(s) and subject(s) you currently teach by email to [email protected].


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