Maureen Carter (Lerner Fellow 2004) received the Robert I. Goldman Award for Excellence in Holocaust Education at the dinner. Maureen is the Kindergarten through 12th grade coordinator for Holocaust education for the Palm Beach County School District, Florida. Maureen is responsible for ensuring that the Holocaust is taught in Palm Beach County schools. She is supported by her local Holocaust center, inSight Through Education located in Palm Beach Gardens, FL.
Jill Tejeda (Lerner Fellow 2012) and a Goldman Awardee, attended the dinner with students from her Holocaust elective class.
Click here to see more pictures from the dinner.
The 2019 Advanced Seminar is set for January 19-21, 2019. We have 22 Alfred Lerner Fellows participating in the program. If you would like to see the reading assignments, please email at [email protected] and I will forward.
In 2000, the JFR established the JFR Holocaust Centers of Excellence Program. We are pleased to announce that the Holocaust Center of Pittsburgh is back in the JFR Centers of Excellence Program. We welcome Lauren Apter Bairnsfather, Ph.D., Director of the Pittsburgh Center. Currently there are thirteen centers in the program the United States. For a listing of the centers currently in the JFR Holocaust Centers of Excellence, please click here.
On December 9, 2018, an email was sent to Center Directors of Education and Center Directors with information on the 2019 Summer Institute for Teachers. The dates of the program are June 23 – 27, 2019. The program will be held at Columbia University. If you know of an educator who meets the requirements to be considered for the program, please reach out to your center’s Director of Education. Applications are due by February 1, 2019. Please see below for the requirements to be eligible to participate in the JFR Summer Institute for Teachers.
To be eligible to participate in the Summer Institute for Teachers, participants must teach language arts, English, social studies, or history at the middle or high school level. We will also accept theology/religion teachers from parochial and Jewish day schools. We consider middle school to start at 6th grade. Generally, we do not accept math, science, or foreign language teachers into the program. Teachers must have taught at least five years, be at least five years from retirement, and currently teach the Holocaust in their classrooms. Candidates should have attended at least one Holocaust teacher training workshop/seminar.
Professor Robert Jan van Pelt will be our scholar for the 2019 European Study Program. We are in the process of pricing the Study Program. The itinerary has been finalized and an announcement will go out in early January. We are going to limit the group to 13 to 15; this number includes Professor van Pelt, Dr. Steven Field, and myself. To participate in the Study Program, one must be teaching full-time.
The Artifact Box is moving forward. Paul Salmons, who is a consultant on the project, will be presenting at the 2019 Advanced Seminar and the 2019 Summer Institute for Teachers. Paul and I will be meeting in January to review our plans for the Artifact Box.
If you change names, home address, place of employment, telephone numbers, emails – please do let us know so we can keep your record current.
As we start a new year, I wish everyone only good things! Please do stay in touch.