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News from the 19th Floor – Alfred Lerner Fellows – June 2019

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News from the 19th Floor

US troops pull the survivors of a sunken craft on to the shores of the Normandy beaches on D-Day. Normandy, France, June 6, 1944. (Photo courtesy USHMM)

75th Anniversary of D-Day

On June 6, 2019, we will commemorate the 75th anniversary of D-Day.

Please take a moment to remember our soldiers, many who gave their lives to defeat Nazi Germany.

They are the greatest generation!

2020 ADVANCED SEMINAR – JANUARY 18 – 20, 2020

The 2020 Advanced Seminar is almost finalized. Applications and program information will be emailed in August via the JFR listserv. Current plans call for us to be at the Museum of Jewish Heritage on Sunday, January 19, 2020, to view the Auschwitz Exhibition. Professor Robert Jan van Pelt will take our group through the Auschwitz Exhibition, which is outstanding.  Accompanying Professor van Pelt will be Paul Salmons. Professor van Pelt curated the Auschwitz Exhibition – Not Long Ago. Not Far Away. Paul Salmons consulted on the project.

We are waiting for the Museum of Jewish Heritage to decide if they will extend the Auschwitz Exhibition past January 3, 2020. If the exhibition is not extended, Professor van Pelt and Paul Salmons will lecture at the Advanced Seminar on Sunday, January 19, 2020.

2018 European Study Program Participants


We are also working on the 2020 European Study Program. We are exploring a Study Program to Bulgaria, Macedonia, and Greece. We are working with Professor Benatov from the University of Pennsylvania. Professor Benatov lectured at the 2019 Advanced Seminar. If you are interested in participating in this Study Program, please email Stanlee at [email protected].


Tricia Skelton (Lerner Fellow 2017) shared with us a series of poems written by her students. Tricia is a 6th Grade History and Language Arts Teacher at the Opelika Middle School, in Opelika, Alabama. We thought you might like to read some of the poems prepared by her students during their unit on the Holocaust. Tricia is an outstanding and dedicated educator!

Blackout poems: Students read information about the helpers and created illustrations to go with the person.  Click here to see the Blackout poems.

Butterfly poems: Students read The Butterfly and were then asked to write poems. Click here to read the Butterfly poems.

Blitz poems: After studying Kristallnacht, students were asked to create 24 line Blitz poems.  Click here to read the Blitz poems.

Tricia Skelton (Opelika Middle School, Opelika, Alabama), Stanlee Stahl (JFR Executive Vice President), and Kate Gholston (Opelika Middle School)


I would like to thank Lerner Fellows Maureen Carter, Amy McDonald, Jill Tejeda and JFR consultant, Paul Salmons, and JFR Board Member, Steven Field, for their help in writing an online resource for teachers to accompany the documentary. Amy McDonald is in the process of putting the finishing touches on the resource. It will be available for the 2019-2020 academic year.

If you would like to use the JFR documentary, Footsteps of My Father, in your classroom, please click here for the request form.  We will send you a link that will be password protected for the time you indicate you would like to show the documentary.  The link and password will be good for two weeks.


Please do let us know how you are doing and consider writing a piece for the Alfred Lerner Fellows eNewsletter.


If you place orders through Amazon, please consider ordering through AmazonSmile and indicate the JFR as your charity. The JFR receives a small portion of the proceeds from every sale made through AmazonSmile when you specify the JFR as your charity.

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