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News from the 19th Floor – Alfred Lerner Fellows – September 2020

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News from the 19th Floor

It’s back to school for everyone!

We wish everyone great students and classes, supportive administrators, and a terrific year!


Usher in the New Year while at the same time supporting the work of The Jewish Foundation for the Righteous by sending a JFR eCard. Click here to schedule your eCards now!

May the New Year, for those who celebrate, be sweet, healthy, and happy!  And for those who do not celebrate, we wish you good health, sweetness, and happiness!

Jewish New Year eCard
2020 Advanced Seminar Participants.


Applications for the 2021 Advanced Seminar, which is January 16 – 18, 2021, are going out shortly. The program is scheduled to be at the Hilton Newark Airport. We should have our scholars confirmed shortly.  Since we do not know what January 2021 will bring, we are making the following changes to the Advanced Seminar.

  1. The Jewish Foundation for the Righteous (JFR) will adhere to and follow the guidelines of the State of New Jersey and the CDC in regard to social distancing and good public health measures.
  2. We will give each participant their own room and the JFR will cover the single supplement for each participant.
  3. We will have social distancing. Therefore the total number of participants will be capped at 18, this includes three JFR staff and board members.  We will use two sections of the Grand Ballroom at the Hilton Newark Airport enabling everyone to be spaced out.
  4. We will require all participants to wear masks.
  5. We are working with the Hilton Newark Airport staff to see how we are going to handle meals.
  6. We are changing when the participant fee must be paid. Rather than asking for the participant fee to be sent with the application, we will ask that the participant fee be paid in full by January 10, 2021.
  7. We urge participants not to make plane reservations until the end of December 2020, beginning of January 2021.

If you are interested in attending, please let Stanlee know at [email protected]. Remember, letting Stanlee know you are interested does not reserve your spot in the program.


The dates for the 2021 Summer Institute for Teachers are Saturday, June 19 to Thursday, June 24, 2021.  The teachers and center staff who were scheduled to come to the 2020 Summer Institute are automatically in the 2021 program.  Therefore we will not be accepting new applications for the 2021 program.  While we are reaching out to each teacher who was to participate in the 2020 program to confirm their participation in the 2021 program, if you know if someone will not be able to participate in the 2021 program, please let Stanlee know as soon as possible.  We are not asking for participant fees to be paid until May 2021 and we ask participants not to make travel plans until the end of May, beginning of June 2021.

Hannah Waldman (JFR Board member), Dr. Steven Field (JFR Board member), Stanlee J. Stahl (JFR Executive Vice President), Professor Doris Bergen, and Professor Volker Berghahn at the 2019 Summer Institute for Teachers.
Outside the Justice Building in Nuremberg.


The 2021 European Study Program will be to Germany and Poland.  Professor Robert Jan van Pelt will be our scholar.  We have reserved spots for those Lerner Fellows who had already signed up for the 2020 program.  If you are interested in participating in the 2021 European Study Program and you are not already on the list, please let Stanlee know.  The dates of the European Study Program will be announced shortly.


Please do let us know how you are doing and consider writing a piece for the Alfred Lerner Fellows eNewsletter.

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