In March, awards were sent to all JFR supported Righteous living in 12 countries. The JFR Board of Trustees approved a $50 increase in our monthly awards. This increase was effective January 1, 2023, bringing each monthly award to $300.
The rescuers are so appreciative that we have remembered them and are taking care of them during this time. They are sending emails, through their children and grandchildren thanking the JFR and each of you for the funds that they receive. They send their good wishes!
On behalf of the rescuers, we at the JFR thank you as well for making their lives so much better and brighter. Please click here to read the notes from the rescuers.
The JFR’s 2023 Haggadah Supplement recounts the story of Maria and Tamara Osipova, a mother and daughter from Minsk, Belarus. Click here to print or download the Haggadah Supplement. We hope you find this year’s Haggadah supplement a welcome addition to your Seder.
Yom HaShoah starts Monday night, April 17. Consider participating in a Yom HaShoah program in your community. For those in the NY metropolitan area, please consider attending the Annual Gathering of Remembrance on Sunday, April 16, 2023. The program, which will be held at Temple Emanu-EL New York City, 5th Avenue at 65th Street, starts at 2:00 p.m. ET, doors open at 1:00 p.m. The JFR is a community partner for this important commemoration.
We are looking forward to meeting our 2023 Alfred Lerner Fellows in person this June at the Hilton Newark Airport! We will be meeting our new Lerner Fellows via zoom the week of April 24, 2023.
Last month we announced our 2023 European Study Program to Germany and Poland to all Lerner Fellows. Professor Robert Jan van Pelt is our scholar for our study program