JFR’s 2019 Documentary, “Village of Angels,” tells the story of Melpomeni Gianopoulou, a Righteous Gentile from Greece. The documentary narrates how Melpomeni, along with her sisters, saved the Mordechai family during the Holocaust.
The Telly Awards honors excellence in video and television across all screens. This year more than 13,000 entries from all 50 states and 5 continents were received. Telly Award winners represent work from some of the most respected advertising agencies, television stations, production companies and publishers from around the world. Below is from the award letter the JFR received from the Telly Awards.
Click here to view the documentary and the read the rescue story
During these past several months we continue to hear from the rescuers and their families.
Received by email on May 11, 2020.
Dear Stanlee,
How are you doing? We have been worrying about you… The outbreak is very bad on that part of the east coast. We are crossing our fingers that you–and your loved ones–are staying safe and healthy.
With best wishes,
All the Abonyi-s – sent by the daughter of rescuers in Budapest, Hungary
The JFR supports both sisters, Maria and Zsusza. Stanlee and JFR Board Member, Dr. Steven Field, visited with them last July 2019.
Received by email on May 20, 2020
Dear Stanlee Stahl,
The quarantine is getting softer step by step, people start working again here in Ukraine.
The department [Western Union], where I usually receive payments, have just re-opened, so I was lucky to get your funds (at the fourth attempt).
Thank you for your care!
Julia S. – Daughter of Elena Z. from Kiev, Ukraine
We hope everyone is well and safe. We are working as quickly as possible to acknowledge donations received during the time the office was closed. We thank you for your support during this difficult time.
We have been reaching out to our Alfred Lerner Fellows to learn how their units on the Holocaust went and how distance teaching worked for them and their students?
Thank you to the Florida Holocaust Museum for inviting Stanlee Stahl to participate in your VE Day program. It was good to be reunited with Pastor Chris Edmonds – even if it was via Zoom. You have a terrific audience.
Stanlee also enjoyed working with several of our Lerner Fellows and meeting their students online to discuss the rescue of Jews during the Holocaust.
Stay connected with the JFR through our Facebook page at The Jewish Foundation for the Righteous, follow us on Twitter @JFRDirector, and frequent our blog at www.jfr.org/blog.
If you change names, home address, telephone numbers, emails – please do let us know so we can keep your record current.