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News from the 19th Floor – At the JFR – October 2020

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News from the 19th Floor

Anna and Stanislaw Bando toasting the JFR - thanking us for remembering them!
Several Polish Righteous who attended the 81st commemoration of the German invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939. They took off their masks just for this photo.


JFR staff has been keeping in touch with rescuers mostly via email with their children and grandchildren. Many of the rescuers are concerned as to what the fall/winter will bring.

Here are two photos we just received. The first is Dr. Anna Bando, President, Polish Society of the Righteous, and her husband, Stanislaw. They are toasting the work of the JFR and are thanking everyone for remembering the Righteous.

The second is a photo of several Polish Righteous who attended the 81st commemoration of the German invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939.

During the past several months, the JFR has added four new rescuers to those receiving financial support.  One of the four new rescuers is our oldest rescuer. Inger is 104 ½, she did her rescue in Denmark, and now lives in the United States. Two rescuers are from Poland, with one rescuer turning 100 in 2021. The fourth rescuer is from Belarus.  We hope to share their stories with you in upcoming months.


In August, the JFR launched a Film Series that was shown on the JFR Facebook page.  The Film Series featured JFR documentaries and had more than 16,000 views.  For those JFR supporters who did not use Facebook, links were sent upon request. Due to the success of the film series, we plan on offering another in the winter.

One of the documentaries that was featured was A Survivor’s Journey: The Life of Roman Kent.  Roman is the JFR’s Board President. Click here to see his award-winning documentary.

Professor Daniel Greene
Professor Sam Kassow


The JFR’s 2021 Advanced Seminar will be virtual this year.  The Advanced Seminar is held over Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. birthday weekend.  The scholars for the program are Professors Daniel Greene, Benjamin Carter Hett, Sam Kassow, and Paul Salmons.  Professor Greene will present on America’s response to the Holocaust.  Professor Hett will address the Weimar Republic and the road to war.  Professor Kassow will lecture on the Judenrate. Paul Salmons will look at images of Auschwitz from different perspectives.  The Advanced Seminar is open to JFR Alfred Lerner Fellows, educators from across the United States who have attended the JFR Summer Institute for Teachers.


It is our hope that the 2021 Summer Institute for Teachers will take place as well as the 2021 European Study Program.  The Summer Institute for Teachers is closed, as the teachers from the 2020 program, that was cancelled due to covid-19, will be participating in the 2021 program.  The program is held the last week in June at Columbia University.

Professor Robert Jan van Pelt is the scholar for the European Study Program. The study program starts in Munich and ends in Auschwitz.  The European Study Program is open to JFR Alfred Lerner Fellows.

Professor Robert Jan van Pelt
Andrew Gart


We are delighted to welcome to the JFR our high school intern, Andrew Gart. Andrew is a senior at West Orange High School.  Andrew applied and received the Kent Internship. Jackson has a 4.6 GPA out of a 4.0 system – he received additional credit for taking Advanced Placement courses. Andrew will be with the JFR through his senior year in high school.


The JFR is pleased to be part of the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) this year.  The CFC is the Federal government’s workplace charity campaign and covers all civilian, postal, and military employees. The CFC’s campaign season is September 1st through January 15, 2021. If you know of someone who works for the Federal government, the U.S. military, or the U.S. Postal Service, please ask them to consider selecting the JFR as the recipient of their gift. The JFR’s CFC number 10744.


If you place orders through Amazon, please consider ordering through AmazonSmile and indicate the JFR as your charity. The JFR receives a small portion of the proceeds from every sale made through AmazonSmile when you specify the JFR as your charity.  The next Amazon Prime Day is October 13-14, 2020.


If you change names, home address, telephone numbers, emails – please do let us know so we can keep your record current.

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