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Notes from Rescuers – September 2023

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Notes from Rescuers

Lidia S., Ukraine

Lidia S., Ukraine

Lidia’s daughter wrote:

Dear Stanlee,

I received money from you for Lydia Savchuk. Thank you very much to you and your organization for your help during this difficult time. She spends this money on good food and everything she needs. And now we also pay for the nurse to come to the house three times a week.

Therefore, your help is very valuable to us. And we are very grateful to you and your organization for your concern.

Best wishes,

Aurimas R., Lithuania

Aurimas’ family wrote:

Dear Stanlee Stahl,

Thank you for award. Aurimas sends you best wishes.

Click here to read Aurimas’s story rescue story. Click here to see the JFR’s documentary about Aurimas.

Aurimas R., Lithuania
Oksana A., Ukraine, with her daughter

Oksana A., Ukraine

Oksana’s family wrote:

Dear Stanlee Stahl,

Thank you for your help! Summer continues at home, in the village, with her daughter and grandchildren. The situation in the country is difficult and not calm! We’re holding on! Take care of yourself and your families! Once again, many thanks for your help!

Imre C., Hungary

Imre’s daughter wrote:

Dear Stanlee,

We would like to say thank you for you sending information about my father’s award.

My father will be 90 years old next month, and his health gets worse.

My father picked up his award and he sends a warm thank you for it and your work. It helps a lot for his life in this expensive world.

Here are pictures about my father and the family.

My best wishes,

Janina S., Lithuania

Janina S., Lithuania

Janina wrote:

Good day, thanks for the support, it’s just getting harder and harder to get there to pick it up. My health is deteriorating, it is very difficult for me to walk, I need care.

Sincerely, Janina

Bela A., Hungary

Bela sends his regards and sent us a couple of pictures.

Bela A., Hungary
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