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Rescuer Photos – May 2021

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Wanda K., Poland

Wanda K., Poland

Wanda’s son sent us the below email:

Dear Stanlee,

Thank you for the last award.
Mom is doing pretty well in these tough times.
She is already after the first dose of covid vaccination.
I attached a current photo of my mother. All the best to you and the whole team.


Aleksander S., Ukraine

Aleksander wrote us:

Dear Friends,
I have received the award. Thank you very much!

Aleksander S., Ukraine
Janina R., Poland

Janina R., Poland

Janina’s son sent us an email with this picture:

Dear Mrs. Stanlee,

On behalf of my mother, thank you for the award she received from your foundation. I also thank you for your concern and wishes for her. Mom is doing well for her old age and sends greetings to you and all the volunteers working for the Righteous.

Best regards

Grzegorz  (son)

P.S. She is currently reading the book “The History of the Jews in Antiquity.”

Polish Society for the Righteous

We received this beautiful note from Anna Stupnicka-Bando, President of the Polish Society for the Righteous.  The note reads:

Dear Friends at The Jewish Foundation for the Righteous,

We think about you and your loved ones and wish you good health, lots of patience and determination during this difficult time of COVID-19. Prosperity, success and hope today and always.

Thank you very much from the bottom of our hearts for your continuing support of the rescuers!

Chag Pesach Sameach.

The JFR has been providing support to Anna since May 1990. You can read Anna’s story here.

Brone J., Lithuania. We received an email from Brone with this picture and a note saying, "Thank you for the funds."

More Notes and Pictures

If you missed the notes we shared last month, click here to see more pictures and notes.

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